Genica Genetic Tests for Your Skin

Genetic Tests for Your Skin

Genetic tests are the latest form of individual approach in aesthetic dermatology and the best in the diagnosis of genetic skin diseases.

The severity and main manifestations of dermatological diseases vary widely and correspond to different gene variants. By analyzing the exact genetic variants causing skin diseases you can acquire an accurate medical prognosis.

Genetic tests are also applicable in aesthetic medicine. By them we can reveal what is your rate of aging. The tested genetic factors will identify your genetic variants in terms of collagen synthesis, elasticity, and hydration of the skin. They will show the risk of developing cellulite, as well as skin burn, photo pigmentation, inflammation and redness tendencies. You will also find out how effective detoxification mechanisms are in your body. 

The final result will be an individual report on your genetic profile, based on which your dermatologist will develop a personalized approach to the proper care of your skin.

Personalized Nutrition Plan and Cosmetic Care

Skin Glycation and Hydration

Glycation of the skin is a process where the absorbed glucose is not metabolized properly and leads to end products of glycation. These end products bind to the collagen and elastin fibers. When this happens, the skin becomes hard and loses its elasticity. Glycation also prevents the skin from sustaining itself, leading to cracking, thinning and redness. 

The same effects can be seen with improper skin hydration. This is usually the result of various environmental factors, such as exposure to sunlight, harsh detergents, and improper nutrition. With the right hydration the skin itself keeps strength and elasticity, slowing down the development of wrinkles and cracking of the skin. The genetic factors analyzed identify the levels and degree of glycation, as well as the need to avoid sugar intake.

Diagnostic Range: Dermatological problems; Premature skin aging

Diagnostic Method: Sanger sequencing / PCR

Research Material: 6 ml venous blood

Results within: 5-10 business days

Fee: BGN 250

Clinical application


Personalized Cosmetic Care Plan

Collagen Synthesis, Skin Elasticity and Cellulite Development Risk

Collagen is a key protein determining the strength of the skin. 75% of skin composition is collagen. Its role is to keep the skin healthy, elastic, and free of wrinkles. Collagen in the body is in a process of constant renewal. In young and healthy skin, collagen is continuously synthesized and recycled. With age, the loss of collagen can exceed the synthesis, reducing the strength and vitality of the skin. The genetic variants analyzed for collagen show the strength and elasticity of your skin and the risk of cellulite development.

Diagnostic Range: Dermatological problems; Premature skin aging

Diagnostic Method: Sanger sequencing / PCR

Research Material: 6 ml venous blood

Results within: 5-10 business days

Fee: BGN 250

Result: Favorable gene

This means that your genetic makeup predetermines high collagen synthesis. No additional application of products containing collagen is required.

Body’s Ability to Neutralize the Free Radicals

Oxidative Stress and Detoxification

A lack of balance between the formation of free radicals and the body's ability to neutralize them in time leads to oxidative stress. The body has many enzymes to prevent oxidative stress. The genes that encode these enzymes determine the extent to which you are exposed to oxidative stress. They are responsible for protection against the harmful effects of the environment, such as cigarette smoke, flue gases, smog, radiation, vapors from industrial solvents used in the manufacture of plastic products, medicines, and others. Some genetic combinations predetermine a low degree of protection against oxidative stress, which is reflected in accelerated aging processes.

Diagnostic Range: Dermatological problems; Premature skin aging

Diagnostic Method: Sanger sequencing / PCR

Research Material: 6 ml venous blood

Results within: 5-10 business days

Fee: BGN 250

Result: Favorable gene

 This means that your genetic makeup predetermines a normal amount of the enzymes quinone oxidoreductase and catalase, which manifests itself in a high degree of protection against oxidative stress. Due to the favorable genetic combination, there is no need for increased regular intake of antioxidants to protect you from the effects of oxidative stress. 

Personal Cosmetic Care Plan

Sunlight Sensitivity and Hyperpigmentation

Exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet) causes 90% of the symptoms of premature skin aging, unwanted hyperpigmentation and burns. Skin accumulates epidermal damage, increasing inflammation and oxidative stress with each exposure to sunlight, affecting its healthy appearance. The genetic variants analyzed will show your skin's tendency to burns and hyperpigmentation when exposed to sunlight.

Diagnostic Range: Dermatological problems; Premature skin aging

Diagnostic Method: Sanger sequencing / PCR

Research Material: 6 ml venous blood

Results within: 5-10 business days

Fee: BGN 210

Result: Adverse gene

This means that your genetic makeup predetermines a high sensitivity to sunlight. Daily UV protection with a high protection factor, combined with low intensity of sun exposure is required.

Personal Cosmetic Care Plan

Risk of Inflammation and Redness of the Skin

Inflammation is the skin's immune response in the presence of bacteria, allergens, and toxins. The skin would not have the ability to protect or heal without inflammation. However, chronic inflammation of the skin can deplete it and cause premature aging. Signs of continued inflammation may include sensitivity to touch, redness, irritation, acne, dermatitis, and others. The genetic variants analyzed determine the levels and duration of possible skin inflammations.

Diagnostic Range: Dermatological problems; Premature skin aging

Diagnostic Method: Sanger sequencing / PCR

Research Material: 6 ml venous blood

Results within: 5-10 business days

Fee: BGN 190

Result: Adverse gene

This means that your genetic makeup predetermines highly reactive skin, which results in frequent redness and inflammatory reactions. Application of hypoallergenic plant based products is recommended.

Test for Genetic Predisposition to Skin Problems

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a complex disease with a genetic predisposition triggered by environmental factors. The test involves the analysis of certain mutations in key genes, the changes in which are associated with impaired function of the skin’s epidermal barrier - characteristic of atopic dermatitis. If the patient has a parent with AD, the risk of developing skin symptoms increases, as he/she might be a carrier of such mutations. AD is often combined with other allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Diagnostic Range: CSTA; COL29А1

Diagnostic Method: Sanger sequencing / PCR

Research Material: 6 ml venous blood

Results within: 5-10 business fays

Fee: CSTA - BGN 100; COL29А1 - BGN 320; Full Panel - BGN 420

Clinical application

Dermatological problems

Full Package of Genetic Markers


The MyHappySkin Panel is a full package of genetic markers, divided into 5 categories, which can be analyzed separately.

1. Collagen synthesis, skin elasticity and risk of cellulite

2.  Sunlight sensitivity and skin tendency to hyperpigmentation

3. Risk of inflammation and redness of the skin

4. Degree of glycation and hydration

5. Detoxification capacity and oxidative stress

The test result assists the dermatologist in creating a personalized approach to proper care of your skin.

Diagnostic Range: Dermatological problems; Premature skin aging

Diagnostic Method: Sanger sequencing/ RFLP

Research Material: 6 ml venous blood

Results within: 5-10 business days

Fee: BGN 900

Clinical application

Dermatology; Skin care

Impaired Histamine Degradation

Histamine Intolerance

A wide range of foods are naturally rich in histamine or release high levels of histamine during storage. Diamine oxidase (DAO) is an intestinal enzyme that normally destroys histamine contained in food. Therefore, even after consuming foods rich in histamine, no symptoms are observed. In carriers of genetic variants, DAO deficiency is observed, and undigested histamine is unnecessarily absorbed, exhibiting various symptoms.

Gastrointestinal symptoms: diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic constipation, gas, stomach pain, vomiting.

Symptoms affecting the head and face: redness of the face and / or chest (a very common symptom), migraine-like headache, Quincke's edema (swelling that occurs mainly around the eyes and lips, sometimes in the throat).

Respiratory problems: asthma, stuffy nose and watery eyes.

Skin complaints: rash, eczema, urticaria, acne.

In women: dysmenorrhea. The symptoms of HIT disappear during pregnancy and return after birth.

Other symptoms: wheezing, sleep disorders, arrhythmia, mood swings - from fatigue to irritability and aggression.

Diagnostic Range: DAO; HNMT

Diagnostic Method: Sanger sequencing

Research Material: 3-6 ml venous blood / 2 ml peripheral blood

Results within: 10 business days

Fee: BGN 200

Clinical application

Histamine intolerance